<transcy>Stampante 3D Tronxy Moore 2 Ceramic & Clay -- Nuovo arrivo</transcy>
Modello: Moore 2Stampante 3D Tronxy in ceramica e argilla
1. Estrusore LDM
2. Materiali: argilla, impasto ceramico, porcellana rossa e vari materiali fluidi
3. Alimentazione in due fasi,Ugello a vite più stabile
4. Esclusivo binario di guida OSG Dual Core
5. Touch screen da 3,5 pollici
6. Scheda madre silenziosa a 32 bit
Shipping for free:
3D Printers or Accessories & Filaments Ship from US/EU/CA/UK/AU/RU oversea warehouse, Shipping for Free. Merchandise is produced and shipped within 4 - 12 business days (in regular seasons) or more depends on holiday seasons.
Shipping from China:
China Accessories
To The United States|EU Countries|Or other countries, FREE ship from China 10-25 days.
3D Printers
Shipping from China can negotiate with shop sales for best shipping way.
In case your order includes not only printers but other parts in Chinese Warehouse, the parts will be shipped separately with the package of all other products.
For more details about our shipping policy, please visit HERE